A Little Guide On Little Mouse Melons

What is small enough to fit on a teaspoon, tastes like cucumber with a ting of lemon? Any guess?

Not to tire your mind, Melothira scabra also known as cucamelon, is the small watermelon-looking fruit that belongs to the cucurbits family. Native to Central America, the cucamelon has been cultivated and enjoyed by the Aztec for years though it may not be common on your table here in Africa. The fruit is known for its refreshing tastes and endearing size and finds its way onto salads, cocktail mix ups and snacks of different kinds in Mexico.I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore live streaming film online

Other names:

  • Sandiita – Spanish for 'little watermelon'
  • 'Mouse melon' due its look and size
  • Mexican sour gherkin
  • Cuka nut
  • Pepquinos

Nutritional benefits

This refreshing tangy flavored fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals, micro nutrients and anti-oxidants so good for your body! These work on rejuvenating cells, tissues and organs thus slowing down the aging process, help improve cardiac functions as well as prevent cancer. The cucamelon is low in calories and fat and is a source of simple sugars and dietary fiber.


The cucamelon is a drought resistant vine with rampant growth and high productivity. Growing up to 1.5 meters tall and 15 cm wide, the plant is also pest resistant. It also handles colder weather better than the cucumber.

When planting

  • Sow with the blunted end pointing downwards.
  • Water thoroughly and maintain soil moisture. Never pour water onto the leaves of the vine instead water around the plant.
  • Maintain temperatures of about 24 degrees Celsius to a low of 18 degrees Celsius. A sunny area is best for germination.
  • Plant seeds or seedlings six inches apart.
  • This is a vine; ensure you set up trellis to support the cucamelon as it grows.
  • Harvest the cucamelon when they are the size of a grape and are firm to the touch.

The cucamelon is easy to grow and takes from seed to maturity in two months. Sunshine, moist soils and some love is all the vine needs to grow and produce high yields severally in a year. The small grape sized fruit is easy to harvest and store – you can eat these on their own as a snack or mix them into a salsa or salad.

The mouse melon is a good option for urban gardening as it takes up very little space and can therefore be grown in a container on your balcony. Its drought and pest resistant qualities enable even a beginner gardener to tend easily to it.

Point of information:

Cucurbits: Family of ground vegetables including cucumbers, courgettes (zucchini), squash, pumpkins, watermelons, melons, butternut to mention a few.

Cucamelon seeds are currently not available in the East African market but orders can be made online on different sites for shipping.

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